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Constitution of the Japanese Classification Society (English version)

  • November 1990, Tokyo JAPAN
  • Revised Version: April 1994

I. General Provisions

Art. 1
The name of the Society in English shall be the Japanese Classification Society.
Art. 2
The purposes of the Society shall be the development and expansion of classification research through cooperation by researchers in classification-related fields and through international information exchange.
Art. 3
In order to further the objectives stated in Art. 2 above, the Society shall engage in the following activities:
  • Publishing newsletters, journals and other publications.
  • Promoting and sponsoring research meetings and other academic and technical conferences.
  • Fostering international exchange through participation in the International Federation of Classification Societies and other related international organizations.
  • Other activities essential to the stated objectives of the Society.

II. Members

Art. 4
The membership of the Society shall consist of `Members' and `Sustaining Members'. Members shall consist of individuals who have paid the fees specified by the Society. Sustaining Members shall consist of organizations which financially support the activities of the Society.
Art. 5
To become a Member, an individual must be recommended by two Members and must be approved by the Executive Committee of the Society.
Art. 6
The fees of the Society shall be:
  • For Members, an entrance fee of 2,000 yen and yearly dues of 5,000 yen.
  • For Sustaining Members, an entrance fee of 2,000 yen and yearly dues payable in multiples of 30,000 yen.
Art. 7
The Executive Committee shall have the right to expel Members whose dues are two or more years in arrears.

III. Organization

Art. 8
The general officers of the Society shall be: the President (one Member), the Executive Committee members (several Members), the Auditors (two Members), the Secretary (one Member), and the Secretariat members (several Members).
Art. 9
The President shall represent the Society and shall direct the activities of the Society.
The Executive Committee members shall constitute the Executive Committee and shall conduct the operation of the Society.
The Auditors shall audit the financial activities of the Society.
The President, Auditors, and Executive Committee members shall serve with the approval of the Members and shall be selected by election rules stipulated separately.
A Secretariat shall be instituted to smooth the activities of the Society. The Secretariat shall consist of the Secretary and several other Members and shall assist the Executive Committee and execute the operation of the Society.
The Secretary shall represent the Secretariat and shall be selected from among the members of the Executive Committee. The members of the Secretariat shall be selected by the Secretary from among the Members of the Society and shall serve with the approval of the Executive Committee members.
The term of office of the general officers of the Society shall be two years. Officers shall be limited to two terms of office.

IV. General Meetings

A General Meeting of the Members of the Society shall be held once per year.
The agenda of the General Meeting shall include the following items. Decisions of the General Meeting shall be made by a majority vote of the attending Members (including Members attending by proxy). Operation plans and anticipated income. Activity reports and budget reports. Items related to the selection and retirement of general officers. Items which the Executive Committee has referred to the agenda of the General Meeting. Other items which the Society has determined to require the approval of a General Meeting.

V. Finances

The financial operation of the Society shall be conducted using income from dues, donations, and other miscellaneous income.
The fiscal year for the Society shall run from April 1 through March 31 of the following year.

VI. Business Office

A business office for the Society shall be established in the city of Tokyo.

VII. Miscellaneous Rules

The operation of the Society and related details are specified separately.
Amendments to the Constitution or the Operating Rules of the Society shall be made by a two-thirds vote of the Members attending the General Meeting (including Members attending by proxy).
Dissolution of the Society shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and shall require the approval of the majority of the Members of the Society.


This Constitution shall become effective on 11 June 1983.